You won’t see a lot of black and white photography from me but for some reason it felt like this was the only way this photo worked… and I’m not sure why. What do you think?
Here’s a closer view of the Plaza De Espana, which I’ve posted on this site before. The moat is semi-circular and runs the length of the buildings in the plaza. People were renting row boats to travel from one end to the other. I think I even saw a small motorboat which seemed a little like overkill.
Wandering around the completely over the top Plaza de Espana it’s pretty obvious why so many movies (from Star Wars to The Dictator) have used this structure as a backdrop. This is the view looking out from the central entrance. It took me quite a while to figure out how to get the towers, light posts and fountains framed up under the archways. It involved sitting on the floor and ignoring the strange looks.
The Plaza de Espana has been used in a lot of movies. The one most referenced is Star Wars. However, I watched “The Dictator” a few weeks ago and felt like his palace was strangely familiar. Then, it cut to a close in view of the facade and I realized that they were using the Plaza De Espana, but had added a load of globes and towers on top of it with CGI.
An Egyptian artifact, next to a former Pagan place of worship that’s now a Christian church… there’s a lot going on in this photo.
You probably recognize the Pantheon from earlier images. This obelisk, relocated from the Temple of Rome in Heliopolis, was once part of a pair. It was rediscovered in San Macuto in 1373 and found its current positioning in 1711 where it was used to add a flourish to the already present fountain.
I’m not sure when the garbage bin was installed… but did they really have to put it there? There was one on each corner of the fountain too, as if they wanted to make sure the scene was nicely balanced.