Jan 022013

I’ve made it to Cape Town with sanity almost intact! I managed about 2 hours sleep on my first overnight flight from London to Bermuda. It was a dreary overcast day in London, just as expected. I summoned up the energy to spend a couple of hours taking photos, despite the rain. Following that I met up with a few friends from London I haven’t seen in a long time, and a couple of friends from Bermuda who I see all the time.

I set out for Heathrow Airport a bit later than I should have. It turns out that the Heathrow Express doesn’t run quite as often as the Gatwick Express. I wasn’t too late for the flight, but didn’t manage to pickup a few bits and pieces I wanted, like extra camera batteries, but I can get on fine without any of it.

The next flight was a long one, 11 hours. I really expected to crash out and sleep through most of it. Unfortunately I woke up about 5 hours before landing feeling refreshed! The last time I did this flight I’d had quite a lot to drink, so did manage to sleep through the whole thing, despite waking up briefly and discovering I was hungover. I spent about 4 hours on this one, watching movies, sat in the darkness, surrounded by sleeping people. I did reach a point where all I could think was please turn on the lights and people start moving around, I’m going insane.

Following that I had one last hop, from Johannesburg to Cape Town. A two hour flight with hardly anyone on the plane. I might as well have had someone book a private jet instead of this. I succeeded in sleeping through that one nicely!

Today’s photo is from my wander around London, I think I’ve got about 5 good pictures out of it, mostly of Tower Bridge. I was trying to find a way to create an image of the bridge that was more interesting than just a photo of the bridge. I fired off a lot of frames, and got lucky with this nicely blurred double-decker bus. In my mind I just wanted to catch the bus on the bridge, I was pleasantly surprised when my +2 exposure came out with the bus looking like this!

One of the towers of tower bridge, London, taken from on the bridge, with a blurred double decker bus on the road in front.

  6 Responses to “Tower Bridge, London and Greetings from Cape Town”

  1. Soooo good to see you in London, I LOVE this pic – if for my birthday next week you fancy printing it for me that would be lovely…

  2. Definitely one of my favorites! Nice!

  3. I like the blue contrast on the grey – looks like a black and white photo with painted on blue (and red from the bus)
    Nice shot, nice angles, love the contrast

  4. I know how frustrating it can be whilst on a long flight and you just can’t get enough sleep. Always a nightmare (or not due to the lack of sleep).

    The photo with the bus is fabulous, such a gem of a shot.

  5. Interesting. Not really looked at Tower Bridge like this before.

  6. London! Cheers to my new home. Great photo Johnny. I hope your trip to Africa is going really well. Looking forward to new pictures.

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