Mar 222013

I’ve been wanting to photograph this for a while. Tonight I was out working on a new project in Bermuda and was inspired to finally get down and try to grab a shot of this old chimney. I’ve been wanting to try photographing the stars for a while now. I didn’t think I’d get a chance tonight as it was pretty stormy. When I got there, I realized that the clouds were sparse and moving quickly. By dragging my shutter I was able to stretch out the clouds and capture some of the stars behind them.

Remains of limestone chimney at ocean-side with turquoise waters and nighttime clouds and stars near Shelley Bay, Bermuda.

  4 Responses to “Old Chimney, Bermuda”

  1. I’ve only just noticed the stars…wow! What time of day was this?

  2. This is absolutely stunning! You really caught the light, clouds and colors perfectly! Nice to see you are working on “new projects” as you really do have a photographer’s eye. Nice job!

  3. very nice – I like how you captured the texture of the bricks on the chimney – perfect lighting as well as the clouds dragging across the sky – really brings your eye to the chimney. The ocean looks unreal … Bermuda so small yet never seen this chimney… I need to visit this place…

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