Jul 132012

Across the road from the somewhat creepy “Music House”, in the East-fjords, was this equally creepy shack. It was an odd location, but the mountains in the background were begging to become a picture. I had to act quickly as within a minute the clouds had rolled in and totally obscured the mountains from view.

Lonely wood shack with majestic snow covered mountains with storm clouds in East-fjords, Iceland.

  3 Responses to “Lonely Shack”

  1. doxycycline pills doxycycline 50 mg where to get doxycycline

  2. The odd thing is the track. Where is it going? The shack was obviously built there because someone thought it a good idea to have a shack just there. Hey- what do you do in 24 hours of darkness in an Icelandic winter? Build a shack. They must be all over Iceland.

    Old glacial Corries/cwms in the background.Frost shattered peaks. It’s all flooding back.

    • But then, how do you build a shack in the dark?

      I was wondering when the geography based comments would start comnig from you on the Iceland pictures. Think you can explain the rock formation in “Flowers Forever”? In that shot there’s a glacier behind me, off in the distance.

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