Jun 022013

Following a grueling, but short, hike up to a viewpoint overlooking Lake Peten Itza and the island city of Flores we marched back down to our launch to continue onto the beach. It was hot and I was looking forward to getting back to my bottle of water under the shade of the launch. But, before I could do that I decided to stop for a photo of these two launches, as they waited patiently for their passengers. Mine was the smaller one on the right.

Two colorful launches on the shore of Lake Peten Itza near Flores in Guatemla

  2 Responses to “Launches on Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala”

  1. I love the colours of the boats.

  2. The fishermen of Gozo go into painting thier boats really bright colours too. Fishermen are frustrated artists. I guess when traditional building methods produce floating “clones’, it makes sense to “personalise” your craft.

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